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"Vom Partner überwacht – wenn aus Liebe Kontrollwahn wird"
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ Format; 2024), London
"Tackling Tech Abuse in Domestic Violence"
Future Leaders Fellowship Impact Awards (UKRI FLF; 2024), London
"Empowerment and Ethics at the Edge: The Benefits and Risks of Edge Technologies"
The Foundation for Science and Technology (FST; 2024), London
"UCL Gender and Tech Research Group’s Visit to the University of Melbourne"
Future Leaders Fellowship (UKRI FLF; 2023), Melbourne
"Tech Assisted Abuse: How Smart Devices Can Facilitate Abuse"
Privacy International (PI; 2023), London
"Interventions for Violence, Abuse and Mental Health"
Violence, Abuse and Mental Health Network (VAMHN; 2023), London
"Connected Tech: Smart or Sinister?"
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee (DCMS; 2022), London
"How Can Product Designers Mitigate Domestic Abuse Concerns"
British Computer Society (BCS; 2021), London
"Diversity in Science Advice"
Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA; 2021), Brussels
"Gender and IoT: Implications of Smart Devices on Victims of Domestic Violence"
Digital Futures (2021), Stockholm
"The UK Computer Misuse Act 1990 and its Application to Cases of Technology-Facilitated Abuse"
Domestic Abuse Perpetrators Research Fund (RQ3; 2021), London
"Juggling Commitments"
VAMHN ECR Lunchtime Seminar Series (2021), London
"How to Engage with the Media"
VAMHN ECR Lunchtime Seminar Series (2021), London
"Working to Tackle Technology-Facilitated Abuse"
Gender and IoT Research Project (GIoT; 2020), London
"How Smart Devices Are Exploited For Domestic Abuse"
BBC Click (2020), London
"Implications of IoT on Victims/Survivors of Gender Based Domestic Violence & Abuse"
5th Annual IoT Security Foundation Conference (IoTSF; 2019), London
"Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Smart Fridge: Governance Challenges of the Internet of Things"
31st Annual FIRST Conference (FirstCon19; 2019), Edinburgh
"Gender and IoT: The Implications of Smart Technologies on Victims and Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse"
UCL Academic Center of Excellence in Cybersecurity Research (ACE-CSR; 2019), London
"Gender and IoT (#GIoT): The Rise of the Internet of Things and It's Implications for Technology-Facilitated Abuse"
35. Chaos Communication Congress (35c3; 2018), Leipzig
"Bodies in the Cloud"
Computers, Privacy & Data Protection (CPDP; 2018), Brussels
"#WannaCry: Lessons learned for Security and Liability in the Internet of Things"
European Parliament (2017), Brussels
"Subverting the Snoopers? Tools promise to avoid UK Surveillance Law"
RT UK (2017), London
"Warum Hacken nicht gleich Straftat bedeutet [Why Hacking Does Not Automatically Imply Crime]"
"Hackerethik – Hacker als Beruf(ung)" (2016), Berlin
"'I Feel Like A Criminal and I Have To Be God At The Same Time': Perceptions of Hackers and Hacktivists on Their (In)Securitisation"
32. Chaos Communication Congress (32c3; 2015), Hamburg
"Caution! Hackers Ahead. - The Securitisation of Hacking and Hacktivism"
Netzpolitische Abend (NPA 034.1; 2015), Berlin
"Hacktivismus und Stereotype [Hacktivism and Stereotypes]"
Daten, Netz und Politik Kongress (DNP13; 2013), Vienna